Recovery Café Louisville & Switchboard at the Myriad Hotel presents...

Serving up Zero Proof Drinks, Appetizers from Paseo, and the latest drop of information about the Recovery Café Louisville
Serving up Zero Proof Drinks, Appetizers from Paseo, and the latest drop of information about the Recovery Café Louisville
Recovery Café Louisville is a space where people can be deeply known, offered respect and dignity, and find support no matter where they are on their recovery journey. The community serves as a bridge for someone looking for and needing lasting support and a stable, sustainable life.
In the short time since it has opened, Recovery Café Louisville has already seen its numbers grow – and we can help.
Sarah Charmoli and JD Dotson, who run the cafe, are raising funds by partnering up with Craig Pishotti (Weyland Ventures/Paseo Restaurant & Myriad Hotel) to offer ALL VIBES, NO REGRETS at Switchboard at the Myriad Hotel on March 13 @ 6 PM. Complimentary zero proof drinks and appetizers from Paseo will be served, and you’ll get to know Sarah and JD and learn more about the mission of Recovery Café.
Please come – and bring someone with you!
Wednesday, March 13, 2024
6pm – 7:30pm
@ Switchboard · 900 Baxter Ave.